
Friendships – The Importance Of Them And How To Keep Them

Friendships are special. A friend who is willing to grow and learn with you is something to cherish. Friends come and go and sometimes you don’t have control over that, but what you do have control over is the way you love your friends. Whether you have two or twenty friends love them well. 

Jesus is the perfect example of a friend. He invited, healed, ministered etc. to His friends. Look at Jesus in the scriptures and notice how He interacted with those around Him.

We are to be more like Christ as we grow in our relationship with Him. And I believe being a good friend is apart of being Christ like.

The foundation of a friendship = LOVE

Lacking Friendships? - Be the initiator

After graduating high school I felt pretty alone. Many of the friendships I had in school did not carry into my young adult life.

If you are feeling lonely don’t isolate yourself, reach out to someone you used to know but haven’t spoken to in years. Go were the people are. Be an inviter.  Ask the few people you know to introduce you to their friends.

We are not meant to do life alone. Life is to be lived in fellowship with man and God. 

Make an effort to make friends.  You will not find friends by sitting alone at home. (I know I have tried that approach myself!)

You may feel like you should just wait until they reach out first. 

Don’t wait for them! Take the initiative be the first to reach out. They will likely appreciate it.

How can you cultivate a new friendship this week?


Friendships take effort

Just like any other relationship in your life friendships require you to put in some effort.

  • Be open and honest
  • Listen well
  • Support, encourage, and celebrate them
  • Pray for them + Minister to them
  • Point them toward Christ
  • Check in with them over the phone if you don’t live close by

Make time for your friends - Give friendships your time and attention

It takes time to grow a friendship. So, be a good listener and let them tell you their hopes, dreams, desires, and worries. 

It’s important to be intentional with your time because school, family, work, etc. take up the majority of your time. Make an effort to set aside time to spend with a friend.

 My devotional this morning reminded me that it isn’t really MY time after all, it is Gods time. And the way we spend His time matters to Him. Spend some time investing in your friendships.

Who is one person you can ask to get coffee with this week?

Friendship - Confronting your friends in love

Having a friend who is willing to be honest with you even though it may be uncomfortable is such a blessing. 

We get to learn and grow from one another. 

Being open, honest, and clear about what you are struggling with is incredibly beneficial to your friendship.

The value of a supportive friendship that challenges you to be a better version of you is priceless. 

Not long ago, I had a friend of mine say to me  “You say you’re going to do all of these things, but you don’t actually do any of them.”

OUCH! She was right. My friend had picked up on something in my life I refused to acknowledge or work on.

Truthfully, I tend to spend more time TALKING about what I want to do rather than DOING it. 

Her observation has stuck with me and continues to encourage me to stop talking and start doing. Did you catch that? Her observation has encouraged me. That comment which initially stung a bit has had a lasting impact on me. But only because she had the courage to tell me.

Don’t be afraid to have hard conversations with your friends. We are better because of our friends.

Setting boundaries within a friendship

At this point in my life I want nothing to do with gossip. Not having gossip apart of conversations is a boundary I have learned to set/not be around. 

Whatever it may be for you make your boundary clear. They are there to protect us. Boundaries are healthy and they bless the relationship.


What is a boundary you feel you should place in your friendships?

Pouring into another person and letting them into your life can be hard but it is worth it. Doing life with friends is so sweet! Don’t be afraid to get to know people and be a friend to them. 

Xx Kristen

Current Favorite Christian playlist:

The value of supportive friendship is priceless. Having a friend who will root for you and call you out in love is such a blessing.