
What is the ACTS Prayer Format? – How to use it

what is the acts prayer format? how to use it christian faith

In this post you will learn what the ACTS prayer format is and how to use it.

introduction to the acts prayer format

What is the ACTS Prayer Format ?

ACTS stands for:

Adoration – praising God

Confession – confessing your sin

Thanksgiving – expressing gratitude to God

Supplication – praying for others

The ACTS format gives us a structure to use when we are praying.

This structured way of prayer gives you an outline for when you don’t know where to start. It is also very helpful to use if you are looking to add some more structure to your prayers.

what is the acts prayer format? - how to use it

how to use the acts prayer format

Now that you know what ACTS stands for let’s talk about how you can use it.

The Bible tells us that we are to pray all throughout the day (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Sometimes our prayers are quick and to the point, while others involve more time and thought. 

If you are looking to be more intentional with your prayer time, I recommend using the ACTS format.

You don’t have to use this method every time you pray but it’s good to have this blueprint in the back of your mind to keep you on track when praying.

I have found that when using this system, I am more intentional with what I am talking to God about.

If you prefer to write your prayers down here is a link to free prayer journal pintables.

what is the acts prayer format? - how to use it

In Mathew 6:9-15 (which you can read above) Jesus modeled for us the way in which we are to pray. We can see that the ACTS acronym closely relates to the model Jesus gave us in the Lord’s prayer.

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The ACTS format is a great way to help you be more intentional during your prayer time. As you regularly pray using this format it will soon come naturally to you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

” Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

xx Kristen

what is the acts prayer format? how to use it